Metal enclosures

In our catalog you can find a wide variety of telecom enclosures. You will be able to choose between polyester or metal enclosures and of different sizes, depending on the number of PAUs of the installation, in accordance with the regulations of Common Telecommunications Infrastructures, currently in force. Within this family the 45x45cm enclosure stands out, since it is the most commonly installed enclosure.

Our standard color for enclosure is RAL 9010 white, although they can be supplied in the color you need, either for a specific project requirement or because you simply want to make a difference.

If you are a professional in the sector, you will find in our online store everything you need for a correct installation in buildings. The best enclosures manufactured by us in Spain.

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Metal enclosures

Metal enclosure 450x450x150mm

Metallic cabinet with wood background and double key of security. Dimensions: 450x450x150 mm. Hinged door with key.
Metal enclosures

Metal enclosure 500x700x150mm

Metallic cabinet with wood background and double key of security. Dimensions: 500x700x150 mm. Hinged door with key.
Metal enclosures

Metal enclosure 550x1000x150mm

Metallic cabinet with wood background and double key of security. Dimensions: 550x1000x150 mm. Hinged door with key.

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